Saturday, November 15, 2008


I announce to the people of the world that I've decided to start publicly blogging. In the past I've blogged on private networks. I've run my own website. And I've built hundreds of websites and web-based applications. But this is my first public BLOG using one of the several leading site hosting companies.

I emphasize "first" because I have to be honest about the technological facts. Google just can't match the overall power/functionality of the Microsoft offerings in collaboration/websites and information/computing. Microsoft owns the desktop machines and they are quickly taking over the servers market as IBM, Sun and others are collapsing.

Microsoft Sharepoint is quickly becoming the standard for secure, managed collaboration/information and applications processing. IT professionals everywhere are switching from 2nd-rate vendors like Sun Microsystems (think Java), IBM, Oracle, and Dell to Microsoft for the whole software experience and forward-thinking organizations like Hewlett-Packard for the whole hardware/integration experience. And several solutions are already in place that bring almost everything in office productivity (MOSS) and team productivity (TFS) that are Sharepoint-based. It won't be long until ERP's, CRM's and almost all lasting software is well-integrated with Sharepoint and the Microsoft .NET foundations.

Now its true that I could be proven wrong. If I was always right 100% of the time then I'd be able to easily become a billionaire in the stock market. Therefore I'm just going to make my best guesses as ethically and honest as possible. And if I'm wrong I'll eat humble pie and admit it.

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